
Don’t let these stories go unread.
We wouldn’t be where we are today without our community of riders, families, and volunteers.


Stories from the heart

Riders, families, and volunteers share their Horses for Hope journey in the following testimonials.

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Cody has Classic Autism and is non-verbal. He has a hard time sitting still for most activities, but with horseback riding, there is such an amazing calmness that the horse gives to Cody that he has no problem attending the horse lesson. Actually, he looks forward to it.
– Kim
Cole is absolutely loving the lessons. It’s so good to see him engaged, passionate and happy about something. Thanks so much for this opportunity!
– Noelle
In 2010, seven years after a bad wreck with a drunk driver, Horses for Hope gave me the opportunity to take therapeutic riding (TR) lessons. At that time I could barely walk with 2 crutches. After a year of lessons (and no other PT) I could walk fairly well with only 1 crutch! 
– Carmalee
Kathy had stage 4 lung cancer and suffered from strokes and you guys were so generous to let her ride with assistance and she was super happy. You do great things for sure.
– Glenn and Kathy
I have been happily volunteering at HfH for over 5 years. As my son grew and progressed through therapeutic riding, I knew I had to give back more for everything he was given.
– Christina
Being around the horses has given me a sense of peace in my life… With horses, I’m free from all my stress and drama at school.
– Jackie
My son, Raphael, has Down Syndrome, is non-verbal, and had very low muscle tone, but the first day at Horses For Hope, he was just another kid climbing on a horse. From the moment he climbed on, he was on top of the world, in charge, and taller than us for the first time.
– Angela
I decided to volunteer at Horses for Hope because the therapeutic riding programs were so inspiring! I have since had the opportunity to assist with the therapeutic riding sessions, and it’s an honor to work with such a strong, confident, and kind community of volunteers and students.
– Emma
Cole is absolutely loving the lessons. It’s so good to see him engaged, passionate and happy about something. Thanks so much for this opportunity!
– Noelle
Jordan is committed to taking lessons and enjoys being with his horse. It has been challenging finding activities that he enjoys, but he has found that in horseback riding. That is his one thing that brings him joy… He enjoys trail rides, trotting, and playing games!
– Jordan’s Family
Information Coming Soon
– Information Coming Soon

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Make a difference in the lives of students, families, and the community of North Carolina.