Contact Us

Get in touch

Feel free to contact us for any questions and/or concerns.

Please use the form to the right to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you!

We strive to build hope, increase self-esteem, and enhance the joy and inspiration for life in all individuals who participate in our programs.

Horses for Hope enables individuals to achieve their full potential using Equine Assisted Activities, thus promoting wellness, strength, and hope in partnership with a horse.

We’d love to
engage with you!

Use the additional contact information below to reach us directly.

Have some questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions aren’t answered below, please use the above contact options to reach out. We’ll be more than happy to listen and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Our lesson information and inquiry form can be found here. If you need assistance, feel free to reach out to us at, and we can assist you. Thank you!

You can sign up to volunteer here, or you can email us at

All donations received go toward maintenance, bills, and paying the few paid staff we have. Any remaining proceeds go toward future investments for the organization such as new programs and expanding our small staff.

Please send an email to with any press-related inquiries.